The Audiobook Podcast


November 01, 2023 SquareSound Episode 28
The Audiobook Podcast
Show Notes

Welcome back to The Audiobook Podcast!

This month’s episode delves into an online audio proofing software that has been innovating the audiobook industry - Pozotron. 

Adam Fritz, CEO of Pozotron, joins Justine to break down how it all works, how narrators can make the most of this tool, the role of AI in the audiobook industry, and what exciting future developments the company has in store for us. 

Square Sound have integrated Pozotron into our workflow and it has made a huge difference to the efficiency of our workflow and improved the stability and consistency in the way we proof check content for publishers and authors. As Adam has coined, Pozotron aids to “stop pickups before they happen”.

We hope you enjoy this month’s episode! 

You can reach out to Adam and the team at